

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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I will be 45 in about a month (and, I'm a fish). You would think that it is a bit silly to care so much about your style at this age, but I do. When I was younger, I dared for si and so different reasons not really give myself over to what I actually liked and stuck to a much more “normal” style than I do now. And then I was still relatively alternative at the time.

There are several things with this that I think are quite interesting. One of them is a prejudice I had when I was around 20 or so. I attended a photography course in Uppsala, and a classmate was a bunch of years older and dressed like she was 18 and in the goth turn. At the time, I thought it was pretty silly, not to develop and find new ways to dress that are more in line with age. But maybe I was thinking more about whether my dad would have bought a pair of leather pants and motorcycle boots – it would have been pretty silly, because that was not his style at all.

Now that I myself is the age dad was when I was 20, I notice that I myself am changing style a bit. For a couple, three years ago one of my best friends said that i am quite bohemian in my style, and there may be something in it. Even though I myself think I'm a mix between maybe 20% rock and 80% bohemian.

For some reason my style is very important to me. I have a great need to express who I am, so that it becomes clear to people in the distance. And just because of that, I just remembered what happened the other day when I was out with the dog. We passed Ica, and one (older than me) woman looked at us and commented;

Nice dog. He matches you.

And for it who wonders; I have a black German Shepherd male for just over a year (which includes various extravagances and teenage shapes). I happily and willingly admit that I prefer black dogs (and cats, because I have too!) in front of any other color of an animal. It's extra fitting because I dress 99% in just black, and in addition for the most part have dark brown, gray-black or black furniture at home.

One thing I do have noticed in myself only the last six months is that it no longer feels quite as important to have a deep neckline. I have very nice tattoos in the neckline, and I like to show them – but it is not necessary to have a deep neckline in the same way as I thought before. It's a slightly peculiar experience, actually.

However, I have returned to what I as a teenager was very fond of – stock in stock. Not as many layers as you like, but at least a couple, on top of a pair of pants. And if I have two layers at the top, the lower one may have a slightly higher neckline, while the upper may be more low-necked. I think that's fun, numer.

Then there is after all, certain things that affect the style. For example, when I was very young, I realized that I would never be able to work as a flight attendant. I have the wrong kind of hair for that, and I do not look wise in a knee-length skirt, blouse with tie scarf, and pumped to it. Believe me, I have tried, and it was far from a beautiful sight. Heller I also do not look wise in blue jeans and white shirt paired with tennis shoes (or any other shoes, actually).

Some things you only have the wrong kind of look for. Anyway, I have it – and I'm the only one I can speak for, if you now want to be like that. But in any case, I have accepted it. Though there are other things that affect as well.

For my part, including my feet – because I walk so crooked and have done so all my life, my whole body is affected. So I have realized that from now on it takes such ridiculously straight-laced shoes for it to work. And then I have to adapt to it, as far as possible. Although I do not think it will necessarily affect my style in general. Only I have to accept that I am now even more limited when it comes to shoes, than I think I have been so far.

And speaking about shoes; it is far from easy to find sensible shoes that work according to all my criteria. I have only bought two pairs of shoes in the last few weeks; one a pair of boots (fixed low shoes) which are absolutely amazing, the other a pair of sandals to wear indoors, but also for the summer. As I said, the low shoes were fantastic. I'm going into them, so that I can also have my posts in them – and I stopped in the posts today, after almost two weeks where I wore them for several hours a day (indoor). After using the sandals the rest of the time indoors, I have noticed that it does not necessarily work with impatient socks (compression stockings, if you remember). I will keep them anyway, but I will probably have to invest in a pair of other shoes for the summer. Provided I find some suitable, Want to say.

Someone said me as a teenager that the older you get, the more you become attached to who you are. I would probably dare to say yes and no to that statement. I have a much better idea of ​​who I am today than I had before 25 years ago. But I am also wiser and wiser, I have more reference material to associate around, and I also have a very mobile mind. To translate it into style; I like to show who I am by how I express myself in style. And when I think about it that way, I realize that I probably have a pretty mash-up style. 😀 Still very clear.

For those who do not feel I think I can summarize myself and my style something like this; I dress in a way that probably brings to mind black bohemianism, magi, fairies and foggy forest nights, but at the same time dull drums around open fire in dark forest, while you probably think a little more rocking and provocative with boots, skulls and so on. I sew all my clothes myself (in addition to underwear), so I can really decide for myself how I want to look and be perceived.

Even if I is (soon) 45.

By and large on the whole I am very happy with how I present myself. Even though I am (soon) 45. I have come to the point where I actually shit in what others think about the way I dress – and you have no idea what a relief it is not to care. Have you not tried it – do it.

However, vette fan if I'll ever get into this with leopard print. It is said that to women do it sooner or later, but then… sew. 😀 I find it extremely difficult to see myself with any kind of leopard pattern. I think a little like this; I'm not all women.

Now I'm going to actively avoid style as a concept and watch an episode of Supernatural instead, before it's time to think about a more intimate relationship with the bed.