

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


Welcome! 🙂


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Nu har det gått 4½ vecka (ganska exakt en månad) sedan min sista cellgiftsbehandling. Det tog mig säkert ett par veckor att fatta att jag inte behöver uppleva biverkningarna igen. Det har jag gråtit av tacksamhet för. För en vecka sedan fick jag min första strålningsbehandling, vilket gör mig väldigt sova-trött, men går inte attRead more

This yoga thing has really changed my life. It's not wise what happens to stuff. Both physically, mentally and mentally. Today I thought – again, focus on the physical because so much is happening there. I am once again facing a change where my chin lands on the hill, from the third floor. 😮

There are many disadvantages to having sickness benefits. Primarily; it's not very much money to begin with. When you also for some reason happen to mess with it, it gets even worse. If at the same time you need a larger amount of money to invest in something that is real, really needed, it will be very… Read more

I take the liberty of writing another post about this with eating habits and why I eat LCHF. Why? Because I've spent several days feeling like crap, and I have an extremely hard time deciding if it's because I cheated earlier this week, or if I have actually succeeded… Read more

When you have eaten in a certain way for a long time, the way you ate in the past becomes quite uninteresting. I eat LCHF because of my food- and sugar abuse, which works very well for me. I have even come so far that I sometimes dare to eat something sweet – type… Read more

I wrote in a previous post that I am lifelong sugar- and food addicts. For those who do not understand what it means, I can say that it is pure hell. I grew up on sugar in various things, such as rosehip soup, cinnamon buns, chocolate, glass, other coffee bread, pancake and so on indefinitely. The way I grew up… Read more