

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


Welcome! 🙂


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A few years ago I was lucky enough to inherit some money. This allowed me to buy quite large amounts of fabric. Above all, I bought two basic fabrics in large quantities. I bought cotton jersey (black, of course) and a linen / viscose blend (also black) which I have used for almost all tops in recent years.

In other words, nor go not what a luxury it is to have a lot of fabric at home. Whenever I needed something new, I was able to sew it up without delay. It's so incredibly practical that it's almost shameful. Therefore, it is with an actually quite large amount of stress that I find myself without basic fabrics. Yesterday I cut up the last of my cotton jersey (it's becoming a linen), and now I am very stressed about not having anything left to sew more vests and other things from.

The linen / viscose blend ended here a few days ago. I discovered in itself that I have maybe two meters of wrinkled stuff, which may hang out before I use it (I wrote about that earlier, not true?), and I also have some already sewn clothes that I do not like, which I can enjoy sewing if I want to feel extra creative.

But it is not the only thing that is over. Almost all my pants are out – in any case the thicker and thicker ones that are good to have in autumn / winter. Right now I might have 8 meters of thin twill that I intended for summer pants. But after counting and investigating the matter, I have come to the conclusion that I probably do not need more summer pants. I think I have three or four pairs, and will shorten a pair of long pants I sewed in denim – which shrunk in length, from all directions possible.

Now I have most little others, loose fabrics at home. Those who in themselves are good-looking, but which I do not really know what to do with. And considering that I have so many patterns that are still unstitched (of all I have invested in the past year), I'm getting a little cracked. The advantage is that I will be able to spend the summer suffering instead of trying to sew in the heat that will probably come, and by now I probably have summer clothes so I can manage.

Yet. I have become accustomed to having such ridiculous amounts of base fabric at home. I miss it, and I want it again. But to buy a home 50 meters of a fabric, it costs. And if you want several different fabrics – and, then it is easy to calculate that it will be a lot of money.

And certainly; this is something I like to do, so by all means. But as I said was; it costs – and right now I do not have the opportunity to buy any fabric at all. In addition, I have put a stop to buying for a period, due to yoga and the expected physical change.

But then, I do not like to be fabric broke. It's a lot of work. Yuk, what I feel poor. Fortunately, there are huge amounts of fabric out there to buy at home – and believe me, I will do that. Eventually.