

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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For those who are new to reading, you will probably remember that I ordered new eye shadows a while ago. Think it's about six weeks ago. Delivery from the US obviously takes quite a long time sometimes, but today the postman rang the doorbell and had a very nice package for me. Like Christmas Eve, although I know exactly what I have ordered. 😀

Egengjord palett från Makeup Geek.

Mobile image, photographed indoors in daylight. The colors match decently, but the shadows closest to the image are darker in reality.

The palette is picked up by myself via Makeup Geek's service to create my own palette.

click here to make your own (ej adlink).

I bought three extra shadows (duplicates) to get up in free shipping.
Including the customs fee, the whole party went around 550 – 600 tense if I do not remember.

I have a homemade palette with eye shadows from MUG (Makeup Geek (ej adlink)) since earlier, but I basically never use it because I chose such tricky colors for it. Maybe I will start using it more – we'll see. You should feel comfortable too. 😀

But then, seriously. This new palette – shit, what I think I have chosen good colors. Have of course tried to make me up, and just because I never do it otherwise, I chose to do as neutral and invisible a make up as I could. In the coming days I will test other combinations (the red ones, above all), so you will probably see more pictures eventually.

Egengjord palett från Makeup Geek.

This is a style I have never ever done on myself. I do not usually like to have one so neutral, unmade up look if I am actually made up. But I wanted to try – and I must admit that it has its points. Do you want to feel good, but it may not be an opportunity to put on as much make-up as I normally want to be, so this is clearly an option.

Then I was had to test and see what it looks like with glasses, also. And I think it works well. Now I have already tested once – has for me that I showed picture of it, so I already knew that my glasses work well for makeup. Yet.

Test av nya ögonskuggor från Makeup Geek.

My first impression of this palette are good pigments, a certain amount of fallout, but that it will work fantastically well. Now I have not tested all shadows yet, so we'll see how it feels when I explored this a little more – but spontaneously I feel that this was a good buy. I am morbidly eager to buy more shadows from MUG, but at the moment I can not afford – so it will have to wait.

Men wheeee – I have new eye shadows! ♥

And so shall I remind myself and remember that I actually have a bunch of eye shadows I like, in the colors I like best.

So I need really no more eye shadows. Although there is a difference need and villhöver. That's how it is.