

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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My voting card dropped in the mailbox the other day. A strong reminder that it will soon be time to vote. Just that voting in Swedish politics has been extremely clever ever since 2010 when the Sweden Democrats entered the Riksdag. I remember it well, how I sat and followed the results closely until well into the wee hours.

Unlike many others I mostly vote by ideology, rather than policy. I find it difficult to vote for a party whose ideology does not in any way correspond to my own image of what society should look like. I could write several dissertations on how I think society is wrong, that we are too many people and so on, but I will try not to.

Therefore (and because I'm lazy, and because it was summer and I lose all commitment then, plus all the damn pie-throwing in politics) I have not followed the election campaign. Jag läser lite rubriker och den korta information som finns på Omni, men det är ungefär så långt jag sträckt mig i engagemanget i årets val.

For those who inte vet det är jag socialliberal i min politiska övertygelse. Jag har inte nödvändigtvis en liberal ekonomisk övertygelse, men jag har väldigt starka åsikter om att så länge vi inte skadar andra så bör alla människor ha så stor möjlighet till valfrihet som det bara går. And – så ser inte samhället ut idag. Det är bara den som har pengar som kan välja.

Så vad i helvete röstar man på?

Of the two liberal parties that exist today, you can only vote for one. Already when the Liberals started sniffing cooperation with the Sweden Democrats, I realized that they can no longer be voted for. I liked Jan Höglund, but the party leaders who came after him are not at all in line with what I think is good.

I will probably come to vote for the Center. I have wanted back and forth, and even considered voting for the Social Democrats – but at the moment the Center feels most likely. There are a couple of reasons for that, one of which is that the Center is the first party (At least as far as I could see) who released a manifesto on disability and the politics around it. I myself have a bipolar diagnosis and am partially affected by this, but the main reason this is an important issue to me is that I have friends who have major disabilities and are hugely affected by the policies that are made.

What disturbs me in Swedish politics is actually most of it. I don't feel that any party has a vision, without everyone just whining at everyone else and blaming everything seen as wrong on the previous or current governments. Nor is there any party that for the most part fulfills my view of what is needed.

It is also my great conviction that all parties forget that Society and Politics are not the same thing. Society is a completely separate body whose mentality is not at all controlled by Politiken. Society goes its own way, and Politics therefore needs to follow Society and not the other way around. In my eyes, Politiken is extremely bad at following Society and expects it to be the other way around. The market is also its own body that follows its own path and refuses to be controlled by anything other than demand and supply.

.. but to return;

I know with certainty which parties I will never give my vote. These parties are the Sweden Democrats, The Christian Democrats, The moderates, The Liberals (even though I voted for them in previous elections) and the Green Party.

That makes three options left – The Social Democrats, The Left Party and the Center.

Sossarna and The left party has a view of humanity that I do not agree with (the Swedish pity-mentality which is so disgusting), which leaves me with only one option – The Center Party.

And I learn vote for something. I'm not going to vote blank. Was suggested to vote for the Pirate Party, but I have such an incredibly bad grasp of them that I don't really want to give them my vote.

Sometimes I think wondering if it wouldn't be worth starting a whole new party that focuses on people instead of all the other rubbish that all the other parties deal with.

The one who lives get to see, no?