

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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It's always a little scary to sew a new pattern. Fan, you never know. Either it is very complicated, or the result will not fit. Right now I am sewing a pair of sample pants in a new pattern I bought from George & Ginger (USA), and it's super scary.

Direct link to the pattern – I'm not making any money from you clicking.

Ok, I became just finished with the test pants. They will be allowed to act as pants. I would be lying if I said they were perfect, for they did not become. 😀 But they turned out perfectly ok, they fit well, and I like to have new pants. But now I have tested, and know where I need to do what.

I am right many designs from George & Ginger. So far I have not had time to sew them all, but I'm looking forward to it. It's probably the first pattern maker I've met where I do not have to make too many changes. Actually, up to this pattern, none at all. And the direct change I made here is to make the size over the ass bigger. I have a giant ass, and have had to correct it with most of my old trouser patterns because they are super old and when I cut them out of paper I did not know that this was needed.

One of the things I like most with patterns from George & Ginger is that they are so incredibly easy to sew. Most of them also come with a bunch of variations, which means that you can get many variants from one and the same pattern. This is sharply liked, especially since they are also cheap. I may not think that everyone likes the patterns that exist, but I absolutely love most of what is there. I have not bought everything, but a lot.

And these the pants – Zappa Pants, is one of them. I have always wanted a pair of flared trousers, preferably the grunge variant because I was a teenager in the 90's and still happen to like fashion then (especially grunge fashion) was very nice. These pants are perhaps a little more 70s than 90s in how they are flared, but I like them anyway. Besides, I was born in the 70's, so what the hell. 🙂

However, I know not quite how I thought when I cut out the pattern pieces in paper. The front of the legs is in three parts, and I cut one of the pieces way too short. This needs to be fixed before I sew the next pair, because I'll go crazy otherwise. The whole thing made the project of sewing the waistband a little more complicated than it should have been – but that's why you sew test stuff. To try and see how and what works in what way.

By and large whole, this pattern is as easy to sew as the others I have sewn so far. Like most others, it requires stretchy fabric – but it does not have to be jersey. I'll probably sew myself a pair of denim fabrics eventually, I think. It will probably end with me sewing for sure 3 – 5 by, if I feel myself right. 😀

Something I have What I learned from these pants is that the size of the stretch depends very much on how much stretch the fabric has. If I sew these pants in denim, I will probably have to go up in size, even if it's stretch denim. You learn as long as you live, and since I like sewing, it's always fun to feel like you're moving on in one way or another.

By and large I'm all satisfied. The only thing I can possibly have an opinion on is that I think I look short in them. My legs look shorter than they are, but it may be due to the simple fact that I'm above to see myself in this silhouette of pants. On the other hand, I think it would be shitty with a pair of shoes with a higher heel, to them. How should I now deal with it, because my feet have their own opinions about which shoes work to walk in. But I'll see what I can come up with, for as said was – it can probably be gorgeous…


Pictures of what I sew may appear at some point.

I live alone with a dog and a cat, and they are not so good at
that thing about taking pictures when I need to, and I have
also no good mirror with good enough light.

But I'll think about how I can solve it. 🙂