

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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I'm a liberal. Social Liberal, to be precise. As a young person, I voted for the Left Party or the Green Party, but somewhere along the way it changed. For a whole dozen years I have been voting for the Liberals (fd Folkpartiet) or the Center.

In the elections 2022 I do not really know what to vote for.

I am not satisfied with the Liberals' election of party leaders. I have nothing against Nyamko Sabuni per se, but I do not think she is the right person to lead the Liberals. Considering how they have chosen lately – and then I think above all of the choice to go to the right and take some kind of cooperation with the Sweden Democrats, is a vote for the Liberals completely wrong for me.

As a liberal there is there are not that many options. To me, the Moderates are far too damn blue, and the Christian Democrats we should not even talk about. Huvaligen, what a scary party. They and SD are not very far apart, so neither is reasonable for me.

I have voted C both to the Riksdag, county councils and municipalities on different occasions, but this time I doubt it. To me, the Center Party is the only party right now that feels relatively sensible – at least they did until they came up with their proposal on sex work. There they lost a lot of attractiveness to me, and I feel incredibly divided.

I'll never to vote for M, KD or SD. The probability that I will ever vote for V, MP or S is quite small. So it's just L (which are now unthinkable) and C remaining.

Now maybe you wondering why the issue of sex work is important to me. I myself have never sold sex, but I know people who do / have done it. Because I also, After all, is liberal, I think it should be up to everyone whether they want to sell sex or not. I also believe that a distinction must be made between voluntary sex work and human trafficking. These are two completely different things and cannot be compared.

Unfortunately, it is here is something that the Swedish mentality in general is unable to handle, and instead, every single individual pulls over the same comb and convinces himself that everyone who sells sex is a victim who is unable to think or choose for themselves. It is an extremely unflattering setting, but very typical Sweden.

That's the reason to the point that I am now divided on voting for the Center.

But I know not what I should vote for instead. Or if it's worth letting a single question stand in the way of my vote. It's important to me, but can be changed. Although in that case commitment would be required – and I do not know if I'm the right person for it.

But on the other hand page again; I do not think there is a single party that has an attitude to sex work that I think is ok. They all have moral panic and that disgusting Swedish mentality that everyone who does not choose “Right” in their lives it is a pity and we will at least take care of you poor thing. The only advantage is that liberals (and indeed the right, although I do not share much more of their view of man) overall has a better and more constructive attitude towards people than S and V have combined.

Then it will added that I usually vote more for ideology than factual politics. Substantive politics can change from one second to the next, while the ideology hopefully persists. Above all, the basic attitude towards people (because we now happen to be human, allihop) is interesting to me. I do not always agree with all the issues – and the fact is that I can agree on substantive issues regarding most parties (except SD, KD and M). I might think of voting for S so that neither M nor SD will have more power than they have to, but on the whole I am quite uncomfortable with the Sausages' big brother perspective and human view.

So I know not at all how I should think about this election. For a second, it feels like there is not a single option I can vote for wholeheartedly. The center has been my salvation from the Liberals, but if they intend to insist on putting (mainly women who) sex workers in the role of victim without distinguishing between voluntary sex work and human trafficking – well, it's just as unflattering for C as it is for any other party.

Flatulence. Lucky that there is a while left before we stand there with our ballot papers. I really hope that a sensible alternative emerges. Because I do not want to vote blank.