

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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I realized earlier today (yesterday, if you are going to be fussy) that I (and my friend) have two weeks left of those 100 days I challenged her on (after the 31 days she challenged me on). What a thing. I admit I am completely fascinated by myself – especially since I intend to continue with this.

Now it is summer and on the whole, very hot all the time. My apartment also gets terribly hot in summer, despite fans and open windows and balcony door when cool(are). I was a little afraid that I would not manage to do my yoga every day, but so far it has actually worked. Some days it's too hot, and then I do one or a couple of positions and that's fine – but the fact is that I actually did whole shifts on days where I never thought I would have the strength. But because I happen to think this is so good for my body, so I do not want to lie down and get lazy.

One thing I do have noticed in recent weeks is that practice gives skill. It may sound very natural, and that's it – but it is heavenly fun to discover that a position that has mostly felt awkward and where I have not at all grasped the point of it (downward facing dog, for those who wonder), all of a sudden it starts to make sense. In addition, I am beginning to understand at least in part where it should feel somewhere in the body. It also allows me to “ta i” a little more, which of course gives even more effect.

Regarding physical changes so it's summer, and my body loses the ability to stay contained – it's like it's just getting slack, powerless and generally pale. Therefore, I have come to the conclusion that it is foolish of me to expect this to actually be seen – just no. But despite that, I think I see that my shoulders are starting to look different. Not much, and I do not think anyone else sees it – but I do. And it's very nice. I feel a little frustrated that it takes time for changes that are clearer, but someone once said several years ago that it starts on the outer parts of the body and then goes inward. So hopefully I have something good to wait for, further ahead.

I know that I'm nagging about this, but I am incredibly happy and grateful to have been challenged, because this is something I have been thinking about for a very long time but have not gotten around to because I am quite lazy and comfortable with myself. Now that I're started, I do not think I will quit. On the contrary – I want to keep doing this as long as my body can handle it.