

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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I'm reading the book the Four agreements (ej adlink) av don Miguel Ruiz. The book is about life wisdoms, and the first chapter is about how our reality is a dream. I was going to discuss it, because I have some questions about it all. We'll see where we end up in the end.

But before I start, I just have to state that shit, what's good about really hot tea, drunk from a cup without an ear.

To begin with with is the concept that our lives are a dream is not new to me. I have read a few more chapters in the book and the fact is that so far nothing is new. I have read / heard / thought about most things I read, but this time it is expressed in a slightly different way. I think it's nice to be reminded of this way of thinking.

Don Miguel Ruiz treats ancient, Indian traditions, and the concept that our lives and our shared reality is a dream is based on the fact that we all have agreements on how things work. As children, we learn from our parents, siblings, far- and grandparents, day nurseries, teachers and classmates, how life is and works. We build our own perception of what the world looks like, how life and everything else works, on everything we learn from others. There are probably many who argue that we as adults change our values, and that can certainly be true. But that presupposes that you have the insight into where those you already have come from and how to change them.

These agreements however, it is not just about our own lives, our own immediate surroundings and so on. There are also transcendent agreements and beliefs about what the world looks like. For example, that the earth is round. That the grass is green and the sky blue. That we get milk from cows and that many eat pork. That time passes and everyone gets older.

It will be very clearly if you look at how different cultures work – People from different places simply have different ways of perceiving the world, with different norms and values. It is an extremely good example of how these agreements work. A Christian country works in a certain way, while a country that has a different religion works in a different way – because the agreements that are inherited generation after generation are in a certain way in each country.

Another good one examples of how common agreements can differ are in politics. Political parties have a worldview and a dream about how their reality could work, which of course differs a lot from each other. The social democratic dream looks very different in comparison with the Christian democratic. A center-right dream looks extremely different alongside a Sweden Democratic one. In such contexts, it can be difficult to reconcile the parties' dreams so that it is possible to cooperate – especially right now, considering how strange Swedish politics is today.

I'm buying it most in this concept straight off. Mostly because I've been thinking about it for about twenty-five years or so, and has stated that yes, this is how it is. At least as I choose to understand how the world, life and the universe work. However, this does not mean that I have some questions.

A fact that adds to it a lot is that it is not just an agreement on what the world looks like. Not all Christians have exactly the same view and perception of the world. It is also colored by where we live, how we have grown up, what other culture we belong to, what political views we have and so on. The agreements mix wildly and can create enormous conflicts within us.

That my own agreements within myself on how everything works and “is”, is one thing. But how much can I, as an individual, influence the common agreements that the grass is green, the sky is blue, that the earth is round, that everyone is getting older, and so on? We are so many people that I'm not sure how the hell it would go. Most of us are a gray mass of people. Should one succeed in making oneself heard, you need to be such an extremely charismatic person then? You have to get a Youtube channel and become a super famous youtuber?

And how to do one to live in the common reality if one's own agreements and ideas deviate from that with green grass, blue sky, pork and age? What would the world look like if everyone lived up to their own dream? Must there not be a common reality for us, in our physical bodies, should work?

I'll come along most likely to write more about this. I'm going to finish reading this particular book – then I have three more books by the same author. And I also happen to think that all this is incredibly interesting. It gives me brain exercises that I have missed enormously. In addition, it gives me an equally enormous desire to change myself and shape an even stronger and clearer image (my own agreement with myself) about how I myself, life and the world work.

What I can to put it bluntly, this book only reinforces my view that there are too many people on earth, that I do not want to be or take part in the common agreement on how the world works, and that I want to get away from the city and live close to nature where it is quiet. I want to be my own torch, and I want to live in a way that is very different from city life. I also want to attract people into my life who have something to actually give, and that I have something to give.

In other words, good people, this spiritual development is absolutely amazing. I really can not say anything else. It's time to make changes in my way of thinking, and to create my life from them.

I'll write a post about the next chapter as well – it's about language and its power. It will also be super exciting.