

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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I know I wrote a post about this just a few days ago, but quite seriously – I have a hard time letting go of things happening to my body at such a high speed as it does right now. I brought home a package with a new bra in what I expected was the right size right now, This tuesday.

At first I thought that it was. I mean; I've been walking around with bras that's been a little too big for a while, thought it worked but that it should be nice with someone who sits properly and maybe can hold a pair, three months before it's time to get new ones again.

My old bras was size 95C. It seems reasonable to buy new bras in size 90C (or D that I should have bought from those 2-pack bras where the cups are too small), not true? But then, all the new bras I bought a month ago – now I can snap them at the bottom. All of them.

So I have to buy new bras again, next time I get money.

It is one dear concern, clearly, but fasiken how stressed I get over this with money. The bras I buy are not very expensive at all (Bonprix is ​​good, both in quality and price), but as I wrote earlier – with my small finances, it becomes very noticeable when I need to buy new ones basically every month. And how long will it last like that? 😮 How small sizes will I need to have, then when the body has decided that this is the range I want to stay on?

We'll see how do these bras I have feel in a month. My plan has been to go down one size at a time – which means that the next size should reasonably be 85D. But should it go on like this, I think the next size I buy in a month, becomes 80D.

I have not had size 80 with the following letter since I was a teenager. I'm having a hard time grasping this – and I really mean it. My brain does not understand that things are happening to my body. That it is shrinking and reshaping. I am currently wearing a tank top that I sewed before the summer. Then it was completely different to what it does now. The seam between the top and the skirt part was just right, just below the breasts. Almost like that so I had to pull it down from time to time. Now the same seam sits a good distance under the breasts instead. I also have other garments that fit completely differently now than they did before the summer.

I need to get together money so that I can start investing in fabric in the new year or so, so I can start re-sewing my wardrobe. So far, I'm going to settle for the clothes I have, and that I will probably walk around and have way too big clothes. That must be so.

But then, shit. I almost feel a little sorry for my brain trying to adapt to this. It will be a bit of the same phenomenon when I start sewing new clothes. I have always had a pretty good idea of ​​how much I need to compensate and spend (especially over the ass), and at a roughly what size I have. Now I will have to measure myself quite thoroughly to hopefully get it right.

In other words, fi fan. I like the reasons, men shit, how stressed I get over this.