

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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The 1 September I start month seven. That's not wise. That's for sure, that's damn not wise. I who for years have wanted to do yoga every day, but did not get me to even begin. Or yes, on some occasion I have started, but then it has run out into the sand. But now I'm there. Yoga, every day, for six full months.

Certainly, when it was the hottest this summer, it was not many minutes a day. And in the beginning it was also very short sessions, just to learn the behavior of putting myself there every day and actually doing.

There is little different now. Now I do my yoga sessions without guidance. Of course, it's still beginner yoga, but I'm very careful, I do many repetitions, and I give my utmost. And it gives results of all kinds. Just that my knees are so incredibly much better than I could have ever imagined. Over Christmas and New Year last year, I had so much pain in my right knee that I thought I would have to relocate my dog. I could not stand, sit, go, bend at the knee, stretch the knee, lie down, without almost dying of pain.

I think maybe that my knees will never be 100% again. I've been wrong for far too many years (all my life) and without post until I was around forty, so it would be strange if they suddenly became 100% bra. But I notice that I can get them so well that I can use them the way you do in everyday life.

And of course that I do not have any direct pain anymore. Right now I have a little tension headache from time to time, but I think it has something else to do with it. But other than that, I have no pain at all – and I was always in pain somewhere, before I started my yoga.

Plus, of course, the where the body changes shape. That I am so set and surprised that I am constantly walking with my chin on the hill right now (from the third floor!). I kind of can not understand how it happened. Now I have started looking for new patterns, but I think I should probably not buy anything more now, until it's time to actually start sewing again. And there it is for a while. And once I buy patterns, should I buy pdf patterns that are available in several sizes. Just in case.

But to return to six months of yoga – I think I should celebrate the beginning of month number seven by starting to do something different. Now that I see that it is actually possible that my body can change (I had actually gotten to the point where I accepted that I would never look different), I want to push for the transformation a little extra. Getting smaller in size is one thing. Going in and reshaping specific areas of the body is something completely different.

That's why I think that I will once again start following one of several training clips on Youtube. But this time I will follow Suhaila Salimpour and her Fitness Fusion movies. It is belly dancing combined with yoga or pilates, and because I have come to the point where I want to reshape the whole area between breasts and crotch, so it feels like a good alternative. And, and then some form of exercise for the arms, because I think I have such grotesque arms.

Possibly I do so that I vary some of Salimpour's Fitness Fusion with what I do now – my own yoga session. Every other day, I think, if so. We'll see – I have not decided yet. It depends a bit on how it feels when I do Salimpour for the first time. It exists for- and cons no matter what I do, so it remains to be seen.

But then, shit, French fries, corner. Verkligen I really can not let go of this. And I really think it's not just my actual doing, but also the attitude I have to this and what I think and focus on while I stand there.

Pride. Strength. Comfort. Beauty.

That is the words I repeat to myself over and over again when I do my yoga. It is surprisingly effective, can I gossip about. I see them inside the forehead in great bold, and I do my best, best for them to stay there for the rest of my life.

In other words, do you know? Fi fan, what I'm good at. ♥