

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


Welcome! 🙂


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I did my last yoga session on it 15 september. I know that, because I was just looking at a calendar and counting backwards. Twelve days have passed, but now I have finally been able to do my first yoga session since I strained some muscle around the buttock.

Honey, I’m back! ♥

In all honesty; I do not think I'm completely good yet. This workout was a little shorter than I did in a long time, and mostly to feel how it feels in the ass and back of the thigh. Most things seem to work, even though I think I should take a great deal of caution and conscious presence so as not to hurt me more. Some things I completely exclude at the moment.

For example, believe I that I have to skip completely sitting on my ass. I noticed that it hurt quite a bit just below the leg on the right side when I sat down at the end of the session.

It had enough worked better if I gave a thousand in going two really long walks with the dog yesterday and the day before yesterday. Yesterday, half-way, I noticed that another muscle in my right buttock became a little overworked. You have no idea how ridiculous I feel, but then – this is my body and this is how it works.

And regardless – I had planned to start yesterday, but when we got home I realized that I probably needed to rest my ass. And today I have wanted back and forth if I should start or wait – but when other muscles started to hurt because I had not done my yoga in almost two weeks, I realized it was time.

And combined with the realization that I need to be extra careful in the future, so it was very nice. Some things went easier than before. For example, to take me up in one downward facing dog. I did not expect that, but it was nice. On the whole, it was very nice to be back on the mat (even if the cat vomit got its way, in the middle of the pass, to leave a small pile of loose poop on the yoga mat), and now I look forward to being up and running again.

Because of that At this stage in my yoga journey, it is far too early to take such long breaks. The progress of recent weeks has backfired a bit – I'm more bloated in my stomach now than before, for example. It will probably take at least a couple of years before the body has stabilized in shape, so that a break like this does not make quite as big a difference.

But keep your fingers crossed because my muscles are completely repaired so that I can continue with yoga, because it's so amazingly good for me. During these almost two weeks, I have gone from being disturbed by not being able to do yoga, to be very comfortable and doubtful if I even feel like it. You know, as it may be. But now that I could actually do – and also did, I remember really enjoying this.


YES! Yoga FTW!