

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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When you have eaten in a certain way for a long time, the way you ate in the past becomes quite uninteresting. I eat LCHF because of my food- and sugar abuse, which works very well for me. I have even come so far that I sometimes dare to eat something sweet – type cheesecake or whipped cream with some kind of berry.

It was right a long time ago, so when the pension went into my account last Friday, I ordered food from Willys as usual (with home delivery – it's so worth shopping just about everything i need at once, and not have to shop in store – especially in Covid times). This time I just ordered cheesecake – and cream, because I was going to have a really swollen day.

I ate the cheesecake with frozen blackberries. If you have not thought about it when you eat cheesecake with jam and maybe a little more cream – the cheesecake itself is deplorably sweet. I still think it's good, but it is actually quite possible to eat the cheesecake without accessories, because it is much sweeter than you think.

But when I would eat the whipped cream with the fresh mango I also bought, it stopped. I usually like whipped cream with (usually frozen) carry to, but this time it really took off. Do not think I got in me half, To us – the rest I threw away. Fi fan, how disgusting it was.

And now, one number of hours later, I'm sitting here feeling very cramped in my stomach. #facepalm

The advantage of that to do this is to remind myself how unnecessary it is. Now I will remember this for maybe six months – or at least until I turn one, because then I'll probably be eating something non-LCHF again. There are usually a couple, three times a year or so. Not often enough to give negative results, Thankfully.

Though I think that I should start thinking differently, actually. Even if it does not give lasting negative results of eating unhealthy once, so it gives no benefits either. The only thing that happens is that it gives a little moment of pleasure on the tongue, but as said was – I get swollen and a little tricky in the stomach afterwards. And I do not like that, so I'll actually seriously consider skipping this altogether.

You have no idea how glad I am that I did not buy gingerbread dough, which is one of my old ones, absolute favorites. Now I have bought gingerbread cookies instead, but they are easier to control than gingerbread dough. It may sound incredible and unlikely to anyone, but do not forget that I have a lifelong sugar addiction in my back pocket. I sometimes find it hard to comprehend how much sugar I have pushed into myself over the years – that's scary.

What I like most with this, however, is the reminder that it is much more important to feel stable in the body and skull with the help of what I eat (and do not eat), instead of giving in to the sugar. I have been eating LCHF since the summer 2015, with a longer break when my dad was sick and died of cancer, but since then it has been stable. And I really have no desire to return to an unstable emotional life deafened by sugar and poor eating habits, nu när jag sett och lärt mig att det går att fungera på ett betydligt bättre sätt.

But as I said where – påminnelser är himla bra. Särskilt om de ger nya insikter och tankar om hur man ska hantera saker. Jag gillar sånt, jättemycket. ♥