

I like to think about things. I also like to question things – sometimes just for the sake of it.


I nerd myself into some things. Other things I am extremely uninterested in.


I have also become a climate change aunt, despite mine so far, in the context, young age.


On this blog you can read most of what fits in my world of thought. From social criticism to beauty 40+ to embarrassing stories to…


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Today I celebrate mine 131:a pass with yoga. Every day in 131 days I have been doing yoga. Some days I have been tired, felt awkward because of one or the other (or heat), but every day I have done something. Not every day has been a whole workout – but most often. Maybe once every fortnight I have done one or two positions and let it be so. But every day – anything.

I have wanted do yoga daily for quite some time, actually. It is something that has lain dormant in the back of my mind for several years – least. But I'm having a hard time getting my ass out, and this with physical exertion is not really my thing. I have started a few times, and as usual it has run out into the sand.

But this one this time I was challenged. By just the right person for it to work. And it works.

It feels a little especially, to have achieved 131 days of yoga. The first 31 was a challenge. The next 100 the days were also a challenge. And now the challenge is over. The strange thing is that instead of feeling relieved and like in “Oh, how nice, now I're free”, I feel quite the opposite. Now it feels like I want to continue all my life.

Daily yoga is probably among the best that has happened to me.

There are many things that have happened. Both physical, mental and psychological. Mostly quite imperceptible, at least for others. To me, the signs are often so small that I wonder if I see in sight, wish-see or otherwise deceive myself. But I actually think things like that really happen.

Today I discovered for example, that the ache-hump I have under my neck – it has been sitting there for quite a few years, barely visible. I have to look again, several times over at least a week or so to see if it still looks that way. I find it extremely difficult to believe that it is starting to disappear, but on the other hand – unlike before I started yoga and always had pain in one place or another, I now have basically no pain at all, somewhere. So I guess there might be reason to believe that hump is starting to disappear. That would be great, because it looks damn good.

Another incredible funny thing that happened is that I started reading again. There is in itself at least one other reason for that (reading glasses – I am 45, After all!), but after many years without any ability to concentrate on a book, I can now sit for a couple of hours and read. That alone is absolutely amazing, and I am convinced that it is yoga and the focus and concentration that is required there, which affected my ability to read again.

Physically have my knees have become exceptionally much better. When I started just over four months ago, I could not bend (especially right) knees more than 90 grader. Today I can go down to a Garland position (you squat with your feet turned outwards and your knees wide apart) and up again without any problems. However, I do not dare to squat unheated yet – but it will probably come eventually. There are other positions I do not dare to take on yet, because they require a little more of the knees than I can handle right now. But as I said was; it will.

I follow the same pass I followed since I dared to give in 40 minutes a day. It is a super beginner session with long explanations and demonstrations. It may sound a little silly, but I have put in a number of positions on my own, and now it's a relatively well-filled workout where I stay in every position somewhere in between 5 – 10 long, deep breaths. I want to feel that it gives effect in the body before I move on to the next.

I will add more positions as you go. The Garland position has been new for a couple of days, and there are more I have to learn. But right now it's way too hot for me to be able to get involved in learning something new. It's just fine to spray-sweat to what I already know.

A thing like feels funny now when I still think I see actual physical changes is that I can start setting some goals. Next summer I think I might feel good. Maybe good enough to dare to go in just linen outdoors (fluttering arms). Maybe to be able to wear a different kind of summer clothes than I do now (and then I still dress differently now compared to before). But just that to set goals with my yoga, and hopefully, as, also know what to do to reach my goals.

In other words, I can certainly not in words expressing my gratitude and fascination that I do my yoga – Daily. Fi fan, it's so damn ascoolt so it's hard to believe it's true. I look forward to meeting people I have not seen in a long time, just to see if they see a difference. And the mental and emotional changes that also seem to be going on without me really noticing – soooo cool!

It is noticeable that I'm damn skinny and also super impeded by myself? 😀
